Democratic Campaigning in Venezuela: Caldera’s Victory (1973)


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Título: Democratic Campaigning in Venezuela: Caldera’s Victory

Autor: David J. Myers.

Editorial: Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales.

Número de páginas: 259.

Lugar y fecha de impresión: Caracas, 1973.


Acknowlcdgements (p. 12); Foreword (p. 15); Introduction (p. 17); National Government and party system on the eve of the 1968 campaign (p. 42); The Venezuelan National Executive (p. 43); Contemporary Venezuela’s Political Parties (p. 48); The Democratic Left (p. 51); The Authoritarian Left (p. 60); Christian Democracy (p. 61); The Democratic Right (p. 63); The Authoritarian Right (p. 65); Stakes and rules of the game (p. 67); The Stakes (p. 67); Rules of the game (p. 69); Campaign competitors – size, structure, financing (p. 79); Initial maneuvering and size (p. 79); Structure (p. 88); Financing (p. 102); Summation and Conclusion (p. 110); Campaign interaction – Information, strategies and tactics (p. 115); Introduction (p. 115); Information (p. 116); Campaign Issues (p. 125); Strategies and Tactics (p. 136); Conclusions (p. 149); Presidential Election returns (p. 149); Legislative Election returns (p. 151); The strife framework: conceptual generalizations (p. 155); Environment and campaign system (p. 157); Relationships among Campaign System Elements (p. 160); Relationships between Campaigning and Outcomes (p. 164); Implications for future research (p. 168); Epilogue: Structural Cleavages, parties, and party systems in Latin America: The case of Venezuela (p. 171); Some comparative perspectives (p. 171);  Structural Cleavages and the Venezuelan Party System: Some Hypotheses and Tests (p. 187); Structural Cleavages and the Venezuelan Party System: 1958-1963 (p. 210); The Election of 1968 (p. 227); Conclusions and implications for future research (p. 235); Appendix A: Political Biographies (p. 241); Appendix B: Comparison of the 1968 national returns with those of 1963 and 1958, and related data (p. 251).